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Scholarship Application

Please fill out all information as requested and submit your application.

* indicates a required field.

Personal Information

If you do not have your student ID number yet, leave this blank.

Enter your street address.

If you receive mail at a P.O. box.

If you selected Other in the previous question, enter your County/City of residence here.

Preferably a cell phone.

Please enter the name of the person we should contact in case of an emergency.

High School selection will be available after you select a state.
For GED and Home School, select the state you received your GED or Home Schooling, and then select it from the high school list.

High School Graduation Date

Applicant must submit a copy of high school transcript and if applicable, a copy of all college transcripts, (including 十大网赌软件推荐 transcripts) to the Foundation Office. Your transcripts must be received by the application deadline.

If you have not attended college yet, please skip this question. College selection will be available after you select states.

If undecided, list a tentative area of study.

High School and/or College. List school, activity, year, offices held

Financial Information

NOTE: If financial information is not provided, application will not be considered.

Please describe any special circumstances regarding your financial situation that you would like the selection committee to consider.


References of two people NOT related to you.
Letters of recommendation are NOT required.

Reference 1

Reference 2

Specific Criteria

Answers to the following questions will not be used in the selection process. The information will be used to match those who receive scholarship awards with specific criteria after all recipients have been chosen. For that reason this section must be completed by all applicants for the application to be complete.

Are you or an immediate family member an employee or member of any of the New River Valley businesses and organizations listed below? (If yes, check the box and write the employee's name and your relationship.)

Selecting "No" will deselect any program selection below.

Personal Summary

Please use the following space to tell us about yourself. For example, you might address why you chose 十大网赌软件推荐, your educational and career goals and how the scholarship would help you achieve your goals. Include any information about your background, achievements, and needs that you feel will assist the selection committee in its deliberations. The length of your summary should be approximately 250-400 words. Be sure to proofread for correct grammar, usage and spelling.

By clicking the "Submit Application" button below, you agree to the following:
  • I certify that I give the 十大网赌软件推荐 Educational Foundation Office authorization to access my Financial Aid information and transcript information.
  • I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted here is complete and correct, and I fully understand my responsibility in meeting and maintaining the conditions established for the scholarship for which I am applying.


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  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
  •  Directions


  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
  •  Directions
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